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Apr 4, 2024

Tamiko Toland and Michael Finke join us today as founders of Income Path. Income Path is a tool that visualizes retirement income paths and the impact of annuities on that journey. A conversation with Bill Sharpe in 2018 provided the spark for this new venture. The tool aims to shift the narrative from fear-based discussions to positive outcomes and flexibility. It allows individuals to modulate their annuity allocation and equity allocation to create the desired income path. The target audience for Income Path includes financial professionals and institutions, and the tool can be used throughout retirement to evaluate and adjust income plans.


  • Income Path is a tool that visualizes retirement income paths and the impact of annuities on those paths.
  • The tool aims to shift the narrative from fear-based discussions to positive outcomes and flexibility.
  • Individuals can modulate their annuity allocation and equity allocation to create the desired income path.
  • Income Path is targeted towards financial professionals and institutions and can be used throughout retirement to evaluate and adjust income plans.


00:00 Introduction and Guest Introductions 01:05 Genesis of Income Path 05:29 The Modeling of a Variable Annuity 06:52 The Value of Income Path and Annuities 07:22 Shifting the Narrative from Fear to Positive Outcomes 08:15 Coming Together to Create Income Path 09:18 Shifting the Perception of Annuities 10:12 The Flexibility and Offensive Role of Annuities 12:45 Visualizing Retirement Income Paths 14:17 Shifting Mindsets and Behavioral Inputs 21:43 The Impact of Annuities on Longevity Risk 23:08 Considering Healthcare Costs in Retirement 25:38 Target Audience and Launch Strategy 28:04 Inspiring Visualization and Flexibility 29:37 The Impact of Income Path on Advisors and Annuity Sales 32:47 Bringing Visual Tools to the Market 33:33 Closing Remarks and Thank You