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Jan 31, 2020

Ramsey, Mark, Will and Paul debate the pros and cons of taking a DYI approach to creating income in retirement.


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Jan 24, 2020

Our regular guest, Ramsey Smith, founder and CEO of recently appeared on ABC and discussed a proposal for universal basic income, or UBI, with Andrew Yang, presidential candidate. Today, we dissect the discussion and reflect on how the rationale helps propel the annuity discussion to the forefront of...

Jan 17, 2020

In many ways, the SECURE Act surprised many people in the industry. Over the last few weeks, many carriers, distributors and consultants have scrambled to figure out what the bill means for their business and how to comply with the law. In this episode, Ramsey Smith, founder and CEO of and Paul Tyler talk about...

Jan 10, 2020

Mark, Will, Paul and Ramsey Smith, founder and CEO of share their predictions for 2020. Bookmark this episode and hold them to the fire at the end of the year!

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Jan 3, 2020

Mark, Will and Paul take time on the last day of the year to look back at major events driving the annuity industry in 2019.

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