Oct 30, 2020
Professor Moshe A. Milevsky, a finance professor at the Schulich School of Business and arguably the godfather of modern retirement planning theory joins us today to discuss how to really understand retirement assumptions. Spoiler alert - you may want to brush up on your coding capability.
Connect with Moshe at...
Oct 23, 2020
Matt Carey, Co-Founder & CEO of Blueprint Income joins us today to share his journey learning how to bring retirement solutions more efficiently at scale to individuals. Along the way, he has proven that people will find and purchase annuities through a digital channel. Also in this pandemic, demand for our product may...
Oct 16, 2020
Learn how to build better connections with clients and their family, make complicated concepts simpler, and conduct more business over a camera on the web. However, this requires study, practice, and experience. Charles Samuel shares his years of learnings with us on this episode that could dramatically shorten the your...
Oct 9, 2020
Nick Gerhart, insurance executive, regulator, innovator and champion for positive change joins us today to discuss the outlook for consumers, products, regulation, distribution, and innovation in the retirement space.
Connect with Nick at linkedin.com/in/ncgerhart
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Oct 2, 2020
Jamie Hopkins, Managing Director of Carson Coaching and Director of Retirement Research for the Carson Group, joins us to talk about how the pandemic and the possibility of negative interest rate reframe retirement challenges.
Connect with Jamie at jamiehopkins.com or