Sep 25, 2020
Lindsay Goldwert, Editor-in-Chief of Zeta, successful podcast host, joins us on our podcast today. We talk about how to make people feel safe about opening up and sharing their retirement fears and hope.
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Connect with That Annuity Show...
Sep 21, 2020
Jeff Levine, self-confessed “nerd of nerds” walks us across the retirement legislative battlefield that agents and advisor must cross today. Trust us when we say we’re confused at times, too. Connect with Jeffery Levine at
Connect with That Annuity Show...
Sep 11, 2020
Ash Ahluwalia at OneTeam Financial joins us to talk about the importance of planning for Social Security distributions before you actually retire. Too many times, people only solve for the highest possible monthly payment. Ash discusses the many different problems that early, thoughtful planning can potentially solve...
Sep 4, 2020
How do you actually build, manage and monitor an income distribution plan for your client? The founders of Wealth Conductor, Sheryl O'Connor, Phillip Lubinsky, and Tom O'Connor talk about the problem faced by advisors when they take on this task. They also walk us through the solution they have created to put advisors...